"Ghost City of Valentown" Story

The promotional term "Ghost City of Valentown" is no longer used, and when it was used it related to the idea of abandonment of a populated area, similar to the ghost towns (not haunted) from the Gold Rush days. The current false posts and claims of Valentown being haunted are counter productive to the true profile of the Historic Valentown Museum. Our goal is to promote the historic site including the buildings through education reflecting the late 19th and early 20th century.

A relationship with an off site, independent 3rd party with paranormal interests, and access to the property for business purposes, was discontinued more than 10 years ago. The promotion of Valentown as haunted is being generated entirely from outside sources with no credibility and no substantiation. It does not represent the Victor Historical Society who owns and operates Historic Valentown and is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization chartered by the New York State Board of Regents under an education mandate. The society does not promote, endorse or offer any kind of paranormal activities.

The Historic Valentown Museum is on the National Register of Historic Places and teaches and promotes the history of the surrounding area. Please see our Mission Statement and Vision Statement for more information. Any portrayal of the Historic Valentown Museum, historic or in any other context (including paranormal) that is not approved by the Board of Trustees is a violation of our promotional policies and should be disregarded.

Last Updated Thursday, February 02 2023 @ 11:20 am  10,708 Hits   

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