Thank you for choosing to be a Valentown Community Member!

Online Application and Payment Form Links

Mail-In Application with Check

Community Membership Purchase Information

Community Membership includes-

  • Opportunities to partner with Historic Valentown Museum on projects of mutual interest.
  • The right to "opt in" to be recognized in our "Community Members Gratitudes" listing (viewable on the web site).  
  • The right to vote in elections (1 vote per membership).
  • A one time private introductory tour for you and 5 of guests for free for Membership levels of $50 and up! (Add additional people for a special discount group rate of only $5.00 per person.)   

Members joining between October 1st of the current year and June 30th of the following year are grandfathered into the membership for the upcoming membership year.

Membership dues are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.  

We are using Stripe to process our online membership requests and are offering 1-year memberships which run annually from June 30th of the current year to June 30th of the following year.

Stripe accepts all major credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

You do not need to have a Stripe account in order to make a purchase.

Preview of Community Membership Purchase Forms on Stripe 

Note: Community Membership Dues are pre-loaded on the Stripe purchase form depending on the selected Membership level. Extra donations can be made by changing the pre-loaded Membership amount to an amount greater than that of the Membership level. Amounts paid in excess of the Membership minimums are always deeply appreciated!

Stripe Purchase forms look slightly different depending on the device you are using to make your Membership purchase. 
The images below are illustrations of what you can expect the Stripe payment forms for Community Memberships to look like.


And of course if you don't want to use online payment processing, you can always renew or sign up the same way we always did by manually downloading and printing the application, filling it out, and sending it to us it along with your check via USPS.

Download the application as a .pdf file here.

Victor Historical Society is duly incorporated under the laws of the State of New York and is classified a 501(C) 3 Not For Profit institution by the Internal Revenue Service.




Last Updated Saturday, June 22 2024 @ 07:09 am  644 Hits   

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