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By: (offline)   (Read 1694 times)  

Our last "What is it" contest was too easy!!! Thanks to everyone who participated in guessing that the tools were "dibbles" used as gardening tools for making holes to plant seeds in. It took less than 24 hours for one person to come in and guess the correct name, though we had several correct guesses as to the usage.

So for this round of "What is it?", we have a print from an old wood cutting that mystifies us. We aren't certain what period of history it's from, and we sure as heck can't figure out what this woman is doing!?!?! It looks like she's milking some kind of strange plant.

Think you can help us figure that out? Feel free to pass this along for others to research, too. We really want an answer, we seriously want to know what she's up to. Join a discussion with us about it in the pictures comment section on our Facebook page:

Less is more.

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Registered:: 08/14/17
Posts: 199
Location: Penfield, New York
By: (offline)    

This is a depiction of a woman oiling a Sabbath Lamp, a special lamp or chandelier used in Jewish households on the Sabbath eve!

Note from the web site manager: Yes, one year ago we sent out our very first Valentown Newsletter. This newly solved "What'sIt" was in the 2nd issue of our newsletter and has been hanging out unsolved since that November issue in 2017. And how nice that it was solved for our anniversary issue, we'd almost given up on it! My confidence is bolstered by this: any item we use for our "What'sIt" contest- even when we don't have a clue what it is- will eventually be solved by our fans and followers. Thanks to all for your support and interest! ~Lynne.

Less is more.

Forum Admin

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Registered:: 08/14/17
Posts: 199
Location: Penfield, New York
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