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By: (offline)   (Read 1237 times)  

Do you shop on Amazon.com?

If so, you could use your shopping orders as a way to get Amazon to donate a % of your order to Historic Valentown. And... it won't cost you anything extra! Well, okay, maybe an extra 5 minutes of your time to set it up initially. But once you set it up, that's it- There's nothing else you need to do except shop! You just go to smile.amazon.com and log in as you normally would to your amazon.com account.

First, know that in order for your qualified purchases to trigger a donation, you need to shop at smile.amazon.com (which is actually exactly the same as amazon.com, but with the extra feature of making a donation to Historic Valentown).

So here is how you set it up.

The first time you ever log into smile.amazon.com, you are prompted to designate the recipient of their donations.

You will see some charities listed as suggestions, but what you want to do is enter a search for "Historic Valentown Museum". When you see "Victor Historical Society" pop up on the screen, you simply select it.

Note: Historic Valentown Museum is owned and operated by the Victor Historical Society - a 501-C3 NFP Organization which is unaffiliated with the town of Victor, New York.

Then on the next screen, you confirm your selection. And that's it! Well, except for remembering that if you want your purchases to trigger an Amazon donation, you have to shop via the smile.amazon.com link. You'll also have reports available about your order & donation history when logged in to smile.amazon.com

Please consider sharing this easy and effortless way to contribute to the support of Historic Valentown.

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